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Nothing's Weird with a Little Understanding

Faith can be difficult sometimes. A daily reminder to trust what cannot be seen is necessary for us to face and persevere through the trials that we do, and ultimately the peace in the meantime. The Holy Spirit is a major factor in this concept of “things not seen.” It has brought curiosity, wonder, and for some (myself included at times) distance because it is a part of Christianity we can’t (and won’t ever) fully understand—one of the beautiful mysteries of the Trinity. It was not until recently, did Holy Spirit become a more tangible part of my life and Someone who I rely on heavily in the day-to-day whether it be for comfort or conviction or clarification. He has become a topic of conversation for many of those I know personally. I asked a dear friend of mine to describe her recent season in which she finds herself growing in understanding of who Holy Spirit is and what it truly means to have God’s Spirit in us. Here’s what she had to say:

Holy Spirit. Growing up, the idea of the Holy Spirit creeped me out. In my mind and from what I had seen being filled with the Holy Spirit meant you were falling out on the floor or speaking in tongues or some other action that seemed very extra for anyone to do in church when I was 10. But recently the veil has been lifted and I understand what a precious gift Holy Spirit is. The sheer idea of God, the Creator of the Universe, depositing a piece of himself into me when I surrendered my life to Jesus, is mind-blowing. But that’s one of the many roles Holy Spirit plays, He is an extension of God’s presence. As I’ve come to understand that and wrap my mind around the magnitude of what that means from me my entire perspective has changed.

I was reintroduced to Holy Spirit a few months ago when I watched a message from The Belonging Co. Now the message wasn’t necessarily about Holy Spirit but Henry recounted a story that made Holy Spirit come alive to me. It was almost like you’ve heard about or seen someone in a social setting but didn’t know them personally. Then one day a friend of yours introduces them to you and you begin your own friendship with this person. Thanks what happened to me and HS by way of TBCO (thanks Henry). And it’s friendship on an otherworldly level! The thought that God knew that I would need a friend to help me navigate this earth and make an eternal difference but not just any friend, a friend who is an extension of Himself. Perfect & holy in every way, lacking nothing. Talk about an intentional Father! I thrive on relationships so I was all about getting to really know HS in a personal way and I struggle with all of the words to accurately articulate what having an intimate friendship with him is like. Powerful. The same power and authority that raised Jesus from the grave, God placed on the inside of me!! I probably hit the floor the first time I realized that kind of power lived in me & was Holy Spirit. You live inside of me & want to be my best friend!!!!!!! He’s literally the ultimate plug to the Source!

BUT eternal friendships are more than rainbows & daisies and it took a while for me to realize that knowing & pressing in to Holy Spirit was not always as feel good as I thought. Earlier this month, I experienced days of spiritual warfare in my home. It was then that I realized that whenI confront the enemy and go to war for myself or on the behalf of others it isn’t rainbows and daisies. I was exhausted after those few days and became aware of HS in a way that I have never been. But Holy Spirit fights a battle that I never see EVERY.SINGLE.DAY of my life on my behalf even when I’m unaware of it. He fights for me and with me constantly even when I willingly run into Enemy fire, exposed. He’s protecting me at all costs. Thinking about that makes me exhausted for him. That’s the kind of love that God & Jesus have-unconditional and inexhaustible-so I would expect nothing less of the love that Holy Spirit exhibits.

HS is THE definition of a best friend, in every possible way. I never feel worthy to have a friend who is an extension of everything that my Heavenly Father is. The complete weight of that fact alone is too much for my human brain to fully comprehend. I’m grateful for the small glimpse that I can make sense of in some way. I’m thankful that God left a piece of himself, his heart, his power & authority for me to tap into and enjoy daily.

The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate

friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you. (2 Corinthians 13:14 MSG)

-Jasmine, 26, Auburn, AL

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