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1st on the 2nd

I didn’t know I was going to do this until today, the 2nd day of the 2nd month. I didn’t realize that the idea of building rhythms of writing was going to be what I needed… for various reasons. I almost didn’t do this because I didn’t start on the 1st or have anything planned before the 1st. Then I realized, I’m my own boss and I pay for this website. So here I am, doing what I want. YGG.

I want to build rhythms of writing to help me brain-dump each day. I want a catalog of how I saw God reveal Himself each day, so I could pull these reminders up on days when I don’t have the eyes to see it. I also want to finish this book I have been dragging along by a thread the last, I don’t know, nine months.

I can’t write this book if I’m not writing in general. I teach a Creative Writing class… yeesh.

And I know what I have to say in this book is important. It’s something I know God has placed on my heart that may or may not be a marker on my story that strangers will know me by. It’s not about making me great but giving this season of my life a more specific purpose. I believe we have many purposes in our lives, many of those have nothing to do with us. I think purposes are focused on others and actions we take. I think we are to live so authentically, especially those who say they follow Jesus, that it is obvious we need Jesus and that He’s the one who gets the praise.

Some days it’s easier to see God working. Like today for instance: some inner circle peeps partnered with me in praying and seeking a resolution for a concern at work. We have been mulling over the what if’s since last week and today we got an answer I didn’t consider. We got an answer I knew God had a hand on because it looked out for everyone involved in ways we didn’t know we’d need last week. I teared up and everything. It was fun to tell the people who had been praying that the resolution was better than we hoped.

I don’t need you to agree with me when it comes to faith or God or Jesus. I don’t need you to agree with how I believe prayer to work or how Jesus’s heart is watching out for those we aren’t (myself included). I am writing to share my life and share what I think about it.

I write from the space of sharing, not converting. I was made confident of this truth many moons ago. My job is not to convert people… that’s on God. I’m just here to share and be honest and offer what I’ve given via Jesus.

2021 has brought an influx of thoughts around building rhythms instead of routines. It has been a time to consider what I did in 2020 that brought rest to my soul and how I can incorporate those rhythms into a more “normal” looking year. I have figured out how to sit in silence and read without music playing. I have figured out that waking up early is not a sacrifice when it’s for a reason that alters the course of my day.

I have remembered that writing about Jesus is one of the most important things I will do with my life.

I have spent very little time writing the last 6 months in spite of telling people I’m writing a book. I’ve spent little time considering that maybe what God is whispering to my heart, He wants me to tell you a little about, too.

This entry is a starting point. It’s the mess I’ve been processing the last few days that I have to just get off my mind in order to start organizing what’s buried beneath.

I’m not going to write my book here. I’m not going to tell you anything about it. I’m going to tell you I’m writing one and figure out the rest with JC. I think it’s going to look different than I expected and I’m terrifyingly excited (just speaking that into the atmosphere) about it.

This is me.

Building a new rhythm.

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